Still The Same Message
FEBRUARY 21, 2022
Daily Reading – Leviticus 14 / Mark 1:1-20
Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
I went to a Bible Conference one time and heard a preacher tell everyone, “You do not need to repent to be saved, just believe in Jesus.” WHAT, just believe? Well in that case the devil is saved. He believes there is a Jesus.
Salvation is more than believing there is a Jesus, it is believing on Him. If you did not have to repent, someone should have told Jesus.
Believing there is a Jesus is not enough. Jesus said we are to believe the gospel. That is the good news that Jesus came to die and shed His blood for your sin. Not so that you can live in sin, so you can live free from the power of sin. Jesus said, repent and believe.