Outright Amazing
June 13
Daily Reading – 1 Chron. 8-9 / John 18:1-18
1 Chronicles 9:1 So all Israel were reckoned by genealogies; and, behold, they were written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah, who were carried away to Babylon for their transgression.
I have a few things in storage, that belonged to my parents. When my mother passed away, my sister and I went through all her belongings and kept a few things of our parents each of us wanted. It was amazing to see some of the things my mom had kept over the years. Being an adopted child who later in life found her birth mother, she had things from both her adopted family, and her birth mothers family. Sometimes, when going through her old pictures, I didn’t know which family was which. She also had notes written to her simply signed, mom. I didn’t know which mom had written them. She knew, but she took that information with her when she passed.
While reading 1 Chronicles 9:1, you have to admit, keeping all those records, for all those years, was outright amazing. It may be difficult to read the first eight chapters of this book, but you do realize, not everyone’s name who ever lived is written in these few chapters. (I heard a collective sigh and amen right there.) Yet, it’s amazing that these records survived all those years. Someone maintained them when the kingdoms divided. Then each of these kingdoms, taken at two different times, to two different regions, also preserved the records. Amazing? Actually, God did that. Ps. 12:6a & 7 says; “The words of the LORD are pure…” “Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.“
God’s word is accurate. We can rely on, not just the genealogies being correct, but every single word written in the bible as true. To have the literal word of God preserved and in our hand’s is “Outright Amazing.”
Do we cherish this bible like we ought to?
Living In His Word Ministries
“Getting people into the Word of God…
… and the Word of God into people.”
Dr. Franklin J. Senters Th.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Hebrews 2:12