March 23 & 24, 2019 – Remember Your Job


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Remember Your Job

 March 23 & 24
 March 23 – Daily Reading – Deuteronomy 15-17 / Luke 2:1-24
 March 24 – NO Daily Reading


Deuteronomy 17:20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, to the right hand, or to the left: to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel. 


    Many years ago I worked in the Food Service Industry. That’s a fancy way of saying I bused tables at a restaurant. I worked my way up to the position of waiter, and finally was given the manager’s position. Before becoming manager, there was another guy I worked with who didn’t like the manager we had. The reason was simple. That manager didn’t care about his employees at all. He tried to make people respect his authority, but instead he made people dislike him. I recall my friend saying, “If I ever get the manager job, I will never do what he does.” Guess what? He got the job. You know what else? He acted just like the manager he despised so much. He forgot about the cares and lives of the people he worked with, and instead turned into the tyrant he disliked. It wasn’t long until he was fired too.

     In today’s passage the Children of Israel didn’t have a king. However, God in His wisdom and foresight knew they would demand one someday. So in Deut. 17 He sets up some guidelines for the position. Vs 15 says he must be an Israeli National, no foreigners. A foreigner would not have experienced their history. Vs 16-17 says He’s not to multiply horses, which would represent military power, nor wives which could divert his attention, nor money or wealth. Vs 18-19 says he was to write a copy of God’s word and read it daily. Why? So he’d not become prideful and remember, his job was to follow God and care for the people.


       Sometimes Christians forget, it’s God who changes lives. We try force people our version of a Christian. Our job is to share the gospel and love God’s children. I once heard it said; “God makes us fishers of men. If we catch them, God will clean them.”

Are you fishing or fighting?



      Looking back can, at times, be harmful. We may forget our Christian race is before us, not behind. However, as we’ve seen this week, we should remember some things:

●  Remember The Journey
●  Remember His Jealousy
●  Remember To Journal
●  Remember The Judge
●  Remember To Justify
●  Remember Your Job

    It’s like the rearview mirrors of your car. Great tools as we move forward for God.


        Today we suggest you read and study whatever the Lord has laid on your Pastors heart. Whatever scripture he uses for today’s messages were given to him by God for your specific needs

March 25, 2019Deuteronomy 18-21Luke 2:25-52
March 26, 2019Deuteronomy 22-24Luke 3:1-22
March 27, 2019Deuteronomy 25-27Luke 3:23-4:13
March 28, 2019Deuteronomy 28Luke 4:14-44
March 29, 2019Deuteronomy 29-31Luke 5:1-26
March 30, 2019Deuteronomy 32–34Luke 5:27-39
March 31, 2019No Passages Assigned 

God had the Children of Israel set up memorials and markers
of what He’d done in their lives.

Not to dwell there and dream of the past,
Rather to aid those who did not know of the past
as they moved forward In their journey with Him.

Let your past propel you into
serving God better in the future.

Living In His Word Ministries
“Getting people into the Word of God…
                               … and the Word of God into people.”

Dr. Franklin J. Senters Th.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Hebrews 2:12

Author: admin

Author of LIHW Daily Devotions, and President of Living In His Word Ministries.

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