May 17, 2019 – Beholding The Finish

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Beholding The Finish

 May 17
 Daily Reading – 1 Kings 6-7 / John 5:1-27


Kings 6:14 So Solomon built the house, and finished it.


      Have you ever started a project, and then somewhere around the middle of it you think, “what in the world have I gotten myself into?” I remember one year we had a fire in our home. The inside was trashed, but the structure and exterior was ok. My insurance wouldn’t cover all the costs of having someone do the repairs. So I thought to myself, ”I’ll do it.” Keep in mind, I am not a builder. It was around the second or third month of every night after working all day, going home and working all night on gutting and rebuilding the inside of this house, that I said to myself, “What have you gotten yourself into?” If it were not for the help and encouragement of my wife and some close friends, I may have been tempted to quit.

     Solomon has taken on a huge task. He is building the first permanent temple. It’s been 418 years since Israel left Egypt. Solomon has been king for 4 years and all of this material that David his father had collected was just sitting there collecting dust. It’s time to build the temple. Somewhere about midway we find God stepping in and encouraging Solomon in this endeavor. In 1 Kings 6:12 God tells him; “…if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father: This was just the right words, at the right time, from the best friend.


    Keeping our eyes on the finish line will help us in life’s journey. It’s when we get distracted by the world that life can become overwhelming. The best thing we can do is to stay in His word daily. Letting our best friend ever encourage us along the way.

Have you heard from God today?


Living In His Word Ministries
    “Getting people into the Word of God…
                               … and the Word of God into people.”

Dr. Franklin J. Senters Th.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Hebrews 2:12

Author: admin

Author of LIHW Daily Devotions, and President of Living In His Word Ministries.

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