May 6, 2019 – Doing Things God’s Way

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Doing Things God’s Way

 May 6
 Daily Reading – 2 Samuel 4-6 / Luke 23:1-26


2 Samuel 6:13 And it was so, that when they that bare the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings.


     Doing things for the right reason in the wrong way can be costly. For example; I worked for hours making an accounting sheet on my computer that automatically calculated numbers I entered into it. I was so excited with what I’d done. When I showed it to a guy in church who did that kind of stuff often, I was expecting; “WOW, that’s great.” Instead, in a respectful and polite way he said, “you know if you did this and that it would work a lot better.” Then with a few clicks and key strokes in a few minutes he built something that took me hours. Not to mention, His worked better. If I’d only called him to begin with, I could’ve used those hours to do something else for the Lord. I had the right motive, but didn’t use the best method.

    King David decided to bring the Ark Of God to the city of David to place it in a tabernacle he pitched there. It was a great idea and desire to have the Ark close by. Albeit, David had forgotten the importance of doing things God’s way. He did what he saw the Philistines do. He placed the Ark on a cart pulled by oxen. The problem, God never intended for the Ark to be transported this way. It was to be carried by priest with poles placed in the rings on its corners. When the oxen stumbled, the ark shifted and Uzzah reached out to hold it up. When he touched it, which God said no one was to do, God took his life. David later realized his sin and had the Ark carried instead, God blessed it.


  Just being busy for the Lord is not always doing the right thing. God intends for us to be a good steward of all He entrusts to us. Our time, our talent, and our treasure. Doing things God’s way always bring God’s blessings.

Do we ever miss God’s best,
by settling for our good?


Living In His Word Ministries
    “Getting people into the Word of God…
                               … and the Word of God into people.”

Dr. Franklin J. Senters Th.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Hebrews 2:12

Author: admin

Author of LIHW Daily Devotions, and President of Living In His Word Ministries.

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