October 12 & 13, 2019 – Positioned to Win

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Positioned to Win

October 12 & 13
October 12 – Daily Reading – Isa. 32-36 / Phil. 4
October 13 – NO Daily Reading


Isaiah 35:4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.


   In today’s world, it may seem at times as if Christians are fighting a losing battle. Television displays homosexuality as the norm and gives this group not only prominent air time, but also now title programming with their slogans of “Gay” and “Queer.” We have judges who are supposed to uphold the constitution that will stand up for artwork on display of nudity and profanity in front of our children in public, because it is called art and freedom of speech. However, these same judges are willing to take down a monument of the Ten Commandments because the wording on it might “influence someone.” Pornography is everywhere you look from television, magazines and on the Internet. If someone tries to block it from our youth in places like public libraries, we are then called narrow-minded. The lyrics to songs and the language on almost all media are, what was called “gutter language” when I was a child. Cussing and swearing is to our children now just normal speech. There is sin everywhere. Moreover, as bad as it seems in the United States, reports from around the world seem worse.

   What can we do? Where do we turn? The answer today is the same as it has been since Christ rose from the tomb. We keep sharing the gospel and turn to other believers and to Christ. God gave us the church for just such a time as this. In Him, we are positioned to win.


   We can all rest assured, there will come a time when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ Is, Lord of all. Until then we must keep on keeping on for the glory of God. Vengeance will be His. Until then, lets share Him with all we can.

Do you feel the battle is won?

Scofield III Burgundy Indexed



    What most people desire most in life is to know that they are loved. God has given us His Promise of Love. The future displays His love as we saw in:

● Purposeful Thoughts
● Perfectly Clear Now
● Prophecy In View
● Peace
● Placing Your Trust
● Positioned To Win

    For those who put their trust in His Son Jesus Christ, the Promise of Love is secure.


        Today we suggest you read and study whatever the Lord has laid on your Pastors heart. Whatever scripture he uses for today’s messages were given to him by God for your specific needs

October 14, 2019 Isa. 37-39 Col. 1
October 15, 2019 Isa. 40-41 Col. 2
October 16, 2019 Isa. 42-44 Col. 3 
October 17, 2019 Isa. 45-48 Col. 4 
October 18, 2019 Isa. 49-52 1 Thess. 1-2
October 19, 2019 Isa. 53-58  1 Thess. 3-4
October 20, 2019 No Passages Assigned  

There is a song we call a children’s song.
Honestly, it is for us all.

“Jesus Loves Me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so.”
Oh how true that is.

Living In His Word Ministries
                 “Getting people into the Word of God…

                               … and the Word of God into people.”

Dr. Franklin J. Senters Th.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Hebrews 2:12

Author: admin

Author of LIHW Daily Devotions, and President of Living In His Word Ministries.

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