Quite Disturbing
October 18
Daily Reading – Isa. 49-52 / 1 Thess. 1-2
Isaiah 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
The Bible records the horrific days and hours before the crucifixion of Jesus. It tells how He was beaten with a whip which had large pieces of metal or stone tied into it. With every strip laid on Jesus, it tore large pieces of flesh from His back. During the time of His imprisonment he was beaten by hand and with a rod. He was spat on, and had large amounts of hair pulled from His face and scalp, leaving bare flesh bleeding in its place. A crown made of spike like thorns was pressed upon His head which caused blood to flow down His face. He was blindfolded, slapped, and asked to say who had done this. He was led up a stony path carrying the weight of the cross that was to hold Him up to His death. Falling under the weight of this cross, He landed on the stony path that dug into His flesh. Nailed through His hands and feet, and a spear thrust in His side.
Is it any wonder that Isaiah’s prophesy says people were astonied, or in our words today, horrified, to see Him in such a condition? To look at Him you would barely recognize Him as a man, much less King of Kings. Yet, hundreds of years before Jesus was crucified, in a manner unthinkable to the Jews of the day, God gave a revelation to Isaiah of what would happen to the true Messiah. Moreover, it happened, just as He said. God did not hold back the gruesome truth in His revelation to Isaiah of the horror which would come to His Son.
Oh, what a terrible picture we get in our mind of our beloved Saviour on that day. However, what a great truth is here. God spares nothing in telling us the truth, good or bad. Therefore, His truth of Christ’s resurrection and His return are just as reliable. Keep looking up.
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… and the Word of God into people.”
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Founder and Executive Director
Hebrews 2:12