Morals Really Matter
SEPTEMBER 23 & 24, 2023
SEPTEMBER 23 – Daily Reading – Pro. 30-31 / 2 Cor. 1 1
Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Where are all those popular kids from High School? You know, the ones everyone seemed to like. Admit it, even you liked them just a little. What are they doing now? I do not see many of them on TV or read about them in magazines. All that popularity was good for a brief time. However, what is it good for today? What about that knockout beautiful girl or the good-looking guy, have you seen them lately? The fact is that popularity, or the favor of man comes and goes. It seems to change from year to year. Beauty, physical outer beauty that is, also changes. This does not mean you are not attractive anymore, but it is a fact that our bodies change with time.
However, the character of a person is what is really remembered. A person who loves the Lord and has some deep-rooted Godly morals seems to have a unique quality about them others cannot imitate or explain. They are often referred to by phrases like “He is a good man,” “she is a godly woman,” or “there is just something about them that is different.” The book of Proverbs ends with an admonition to let the inner beauty from God shine through our lives. Why, because that will build our character and that goes on forever. People respect God-fearing people even if it appears that they do not. Let God shine through you. Then people will automatically see the best “YOU” ever because they will see “JESUS” in you.
Today, people are going to form an opinion about you. You and only you can choose what that opinion may be. Although, you do not have to develop that character alone. Ask God today to help you be all you can be for Him.
What will people see when they look at you today?
Benjamin Franklin had a saying, ”watch the pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves” It is also true in life. If we Mind the Little Things, the bigger things fall into place. We saw that this week in:
● Master Plans
● More Sure Words
● Mountain Streams
● Much Becomes Nothing
● My Dream World
● Morals Really Matter Sin
Mind the Little Things out of God’s Word, and God will put the BIG parts of life together for you.
Enjoy today with your church and hear what God has prepared in the heart of His man for you this week.
See you tomorrow.
Today we suggest you read and study whatever the Lord has laid on your Pastors heart. Whatever scripture he uses for today’s messages were given to him by God for your specific needs.
September 25, 2023 | Ecc. 1-2 | 2 Co. 12 |
September 26, 2023 | Ecc. 3-4 | 2 Co. 13 |
September 27, 2023 | Ecc. 5-6 | Gal. 1 |
September 28, 2023 | Ecc. 7-8 | Gal. 2 |
September 29, 2023 | Ecc. 9-10 | Gal. 3 |
September 30, 2023 | Ecc. 11-12 | Gal. 4 |
October 1, 2023 | No Passages Assigned |
Minding The Little Things
Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness;
and all these things
shall be added unto you.
“Getting people into the Word of God…
… and the Word of God into people.”
Romans 10:17
Dr. Franklin J. Senters Th.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Hebrews 2:12
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